Tag: dressmakers

  • Making It Up

    Here at FIT, we have many resources that offer possibilities to inspire you.  As I reshelved materials one morning, I came across a title from the 1950s that I’d never looked at before.  It offers patterns and measurements for laying out a range of fashionable contemporary garments.  Since I love that era for fashion, I…

  • Needles in the Stacks: Couture edition

    Here in the FIT Library, we have many many books on how to make clothing.  There are different points of view on techniques, as well as different types of machinery.  In our last post, we spent time reviewing books about the serging or merrow machine and covered a few of our favorite how-to-get-started books on…

  • New Needles (in the Stacks): Sewing for Fun and Profit

      While I apologize for the sewing/crafty focus of this blog, the fact that it’s fall means new clothes for school!  Indeed, I know that many of you have already begun months of work in draping labs. While shelving in the Main Stacks area, I’ve noticed is that we have a lot of books that…