Tag: archaeology

  • The Future, as Imagined in the Past

    So today I got an email from the British Museum, which has several really nifty blogs. http://www.britishmuseum.org/blog.aspx?ref=header Not surprising, because they are a museum full of very nifty things.  Someone on staff had found an article, written in 1969, thinking about how the museum will be for patrons come 2069. Some of the guesses are…

  • World’s Oldest Pants!

    There has been some excitement in the archaeological community this week about a find of the bodies of two men.   The bodies were found in the Tarim Basin, which is on the eastern end of the silk road as it passes into China.  They died roughly 3000 years ago. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/first-pants-worn-horse-riders-3000-years-ago It makes a lot…

  • The Melancholy Beauty of the Past

    A few months ago, Dumbarton Oaks announced the new online exhibit of the Nicholas V. Artamonoff Collection, available via their website.   This will provide scholars access to documentary images from archaeological digs from 1935-1945.  This is not especially exciting.  Such types of projects are always being announced on email lists.  Many such are in…