Name game for new threads?

1830s corset ad
Read here about lingerie, size, beauty standards, and fashion history!

Hi, everyone,

Welcome back to Volumes & Issues. I’m working on a couple of big themes for this fall 2018/spring 2019 school year. These have grown from series I’ve written in the past, like Needles In the Stacks and Word-Worthy Women. I could especially use your help to name these new features.


Models displaying BeingU lingerie
Models displaying BeingU lingerie


The first subject grew from posts I’ve written about the lingerie market:

Volumes & Issues: Word Worthy Women: Inclusive Lingerie




Redbook cover featuring Melissa McCarthy

I’m taking on the Plus Size market:

I started with a plan to write about Ashley Graham and Melissa McCarthy’s offerings in the market, but since I began writing the subject is everywhere. Since it’s a busy topic in the fashion industry these days, my single post expanded into two or three posts:

One post will talk about how to research marketing statistics when looking for businesses to expand into.

The second post will talk about some of the designers moving into the market, and also touch on the topic of influencers.  This will include how the plus size market has come to be on so many people’s radar these days.


ocean's 8 actresses on premiere red carpet
Hollywood’s most famous actresses in cutting edge fashion for Ocean’s 8 premiere in NYC. Photo by Matt Baron for REX/Shutterstock.

The second series is especially near and dear to my heart. I’ve written a lot of fashion history for V&I in the last six years. I’ve long wanted those lists of “best books if you need patterns taken from original clothes” vs. “best books if you want critical research on historical context of the clothes” next to “best books for good introduction to a century or decade”. This is a great place to publish a series on researching fashion from different perspectives.  There are many approaches to clothing and fashion, but not all the resources are equally good. I’ll begin posting my choices in this new series.

I’m having a hard time with a name, though. Dress-a-Day is taken, as is Vexatious Vestments, Time-Traveling Tailor, and Sartorial Splendor. Unruffled Researcher? The Threads Thread? Threaded Histories? Help me come up with something good!

French revolutionary war print of women knitting
Women organizing to assist the French Revolutionary War