Month: January 2016

  • Welcome, Future!

    First of all, apologies to our loyal readers.  This was the first week of school for our students, and there were a lot of tasks to manage.  As you can see, that delayed our posts a bit. Here at FIT, we are very much about the future. The industries we train for here depend upon…

  • Magazine of the Week

    Welcome back to magazine of the week!  This week, we’re going with an outerwear title because it’s so darn cold in the city.  Brrrrr!! There are 28 different titles published in this series.  They’re great because they give the reader just the runway images of a particular classification (e.g. Shoes, Coats, Embroidery) and not the…

  • Magazine of the Week

    As winter doldrums settle in, larger concerns, such as politics, return to consciousness.  Mad Magazine has been satirizing politicians since the 1952, when the magazine was begun as an editorial comic book.   The title switched to a magazine format in 1955, in order to avoid sanctions by the Comic Code Authority. In the 1970s,…