Tag: Precollege Experience
Introducing Precollege Blogger: Nicole
Hi everyone! My name is Nicole and yes red is my natural hair color. Now that that’s out of the way let’s get down to business. I am currently a junior in high school and I live on Long Island, New York. I discovered my love of fashion at a very young age. I remember…
In The Halls: Lorie
Student: Lorie (17) New Jersey Program: Saturday Live Precollege Course: HAR 016 Creating the Fashion Figure Describe your personal style? My personal style changes everyday. Some days edgy, some days boho. Currently I’ve been dressing in very simple dark pieces. Where do you go on your breaks from class? I like going to Moda, Starbucks, or Whole Foods for…
Congratulations, Rebecca!
CONGRATULATIONS TO rebecca zank WHO WAS JUST ACCEPTED TO FIT THIS FALL FOR communication design! Student: Rebecca Zank Major: Communication Design Courses taken in Precollege Programs include: HIL 012 Drawing for Illustration HFA 148 Fine Arts Portfolio HAD 149 Advertising and Graphic Design Portfolio Were you accepted to FIT this fall too? We’d love to…
In Case You Missed It: Junior Day 2013
This Saturday, FIT had their first ever Junior Day! Junior Day was an entire day devoted to high school juniors looking to apply to FIT next year. They were given the chance to explore the campus with their friends and families, and were also able to check out some the amazing programs and activities available…
Been There, Done That – An Interview With Precollege Alum Lilly Truscott
This week, Precollege Programs had the opportunity to speak with FIT undergraduate student and Precollege alumni, Lilly Truscott. Lilly was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, but moved to Nashville, TN during high school. She is currently in her first semester at FIT, working towards her AAS in Advertising and Marketing Communications. After gaining…
Chance or Choice?
This post is dedicated to all of the students going into senior year. Is our fate determined by chance or choice? Personally, I believe it’s determined by choice. The choices I make each and every day contribute to the outcome of my future. But, without the chances I take in life, I wouldn’t be where…