Introducing Precollege Intern: Mahalia

Photo by Romy Weng

Hi! My name is Mahalia, I’m a photographer in the making, and I am an intern here at FIT’s Precollege Program. My passion for art, more specifically photography, was what brought me to FIT. I enjoy exploring different learning methods of art in different environments, and FIT is an incredible place for me to approach photography with a mindset on social components.

Out of all the different kinds of pictures I enjoy taking, landscapes, fashion, sports, etc. I adore taking portraitures. What caught my eye, was something about how humans react when they are on camera. People say you cannot judge a book by its cover, but I believe that a picture is worth a thousand words and more.

My goal in life is to become a professional photographer and be my own boss, which will require that I work extremely hard to reach that goal. In 2016 and 2017 I took classes at International Center of Photography (ICP) which taught me mostly about manual photography. However, right now I am focused more on the depth of digital photography and photoshop. Because not that many people know me, I also am learning how to network. Whenever I take pictures I am really fond of, I post them on an official photography Instagram account (@photo_moro) in order to make myself more known to the public.

Because I am a senior in high school, I deal with plenty of work and deadlines which builds stress for me. Coming from an artistic family, I find not only photography but art in general a stress reliever and much more. To me, art is something extremely fun and wonderful. Art makes the person I am today.

Mahalia 🙂


