In an age where everything revolves around social media, we sure have an extraordinary way of communicating and connecting, especially when it comes to launching a business or engaging with customers. Recently, I attended a seminar with Eva Chen, head of Instagram’s Fashion Partnership on this subject at FIT. She talked with two fashion designers, Becca McCharen and Tanya Taylor about putting their brand out there and how they use Instagram as an outlet to gain recognition. Each designer shared with us what their brand is all about and how they use Instagram to relay that.
Becca sees fashion from an architectural standpoint and loves that Instagram lets her connect to the public and show her audience what this is all about. Tanya who is all about floral and bold prints, loves the interaction this platform allows and that customers get to see the timeline and dedication put into a season from the very beginning to the last step on the runway.
On top of finding out what these savvy women think of Instagram, we also found out how they made it to where they stand now with some valuable tips.
Tip 1: Be proactive
Tip 2: Show that you love what you do and that you are there for a reason
Tip 3: Your voice should always be heard, do not be afraid to say something, people love feedback in the fashion industry
Tip 4: Connections, connections, connections
Besides these life saving tips, there was also talk about futuristic fashion, Instagram etiquette, and of course, Gucci loafers. Regarding the future of fashion, Becca, whose brand is all about the look of tomorrow, gave some very deep insight for what we will be wearing years from now. Who knows maybe tinfoil will be the next big thing on runways. Then Eva, who is super Insta savvy, schooled us all on Instagram do’s and dont’s, certainly gaining interest from the less technically inclined (aka my mom). Also gaining attention from many of us in the crowd, Eva talked about some very relatable fashion challenges. Like when you really don’t want something but you see it everywhere and then fall in love, like Gucci loafers, and angrily buy them because now you have to get them. Yeah, we have all been there.
Thanks to the Museum at FIT for hosting this talk and for these lovely trio of women, I now have better knowledge and perspective of technology in the fashion world (and this awesome picture of me and Eva Chen).
Until next time,