The trip is worth it: Abigail, 5 hrs


From rural upstate New York to the big city. This is what I have been dreaming of since my first visit to the city when I was a child. It was always an exciting time when my parents said ”lets go to New York” we would get in the car and leave early in the morning and arrive in Times Square by noon. It would usually take anywhere from 4 – 5 hours to reach the city. I remember looking out the window and waiting to get that first glimpse of the skyline. I knew then that I wanted to be in the city. I was fortunate enough to attend my first Summer Precollege Workshop at FIT this past June. It was an amazing experience and led me to sign up for another this Fall. Attending these classes is a commitment. I must get from Ticonderoga, NY to Albany, about a two hour drive, and then take the MegaBus to FIT another two and a half hours. Many of my friends would ask why are you doing that? My answer was simple and easy. I told them if you want to achieve your dream you have to remember:

The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way and may go in more than one direction, it is marked with faith. It is traveled by belief and courage, persistence and hard work. It is conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances, to fail and try again and again. Along the way, you may have to confront doubts, setbacks, and unfairness. But when the path comes to an end, you will find that there is no greater joy than making your dream come true. – Arthemia

FIT offers everything that I have strived for through out high school. While attending my class this summer I met some amazing people, met incredible instructors, and learned that I was on my way to achieving my dream. I have signed up for another course this fall entitled Public Relations/Fashion Industry and can not wait to return. Mega Bus here I come!

Guest Blogger
Abigail Young


