Hi everyone!
Well, believe it or not the Precollege fall courses are about to be up, sadly this Saturday the 19th for me! I’ve made so much progress not only on my magazine, but as well as my computer techniques.
Pictured above is the cover of my magazine titled, Depth. When putting together my thoughts and interests, I wanted to include writings of my own, as well as images I’ve taken. The features of my magazine are pieces I’ve written and the monthly departments consist of fashion and music updates, along with some writing tips.
The feature pages may not look like your typical magazine spread, but as a feature piece normally is, these pages will focus solely on the stories and creating an visual image for the reader.
This page to the left is one of my favorites. I took the photo during my first week of summer classes at FIT and later wrote about that specific morning during school this year. This story starts out the feature pages then carries on into the next 2 pages which are also descriptive pieces that make you think and feel as if you’re living in that specific moment in time. Although this week is my final class, I still have some more tinkering to do with each page. I’m always getting new ideas to improve each page to better fit the magazine’s aesthetic so it makes it hard to ever come to a final piece. I’m glad I ended up taking this course because it turns out I really enjoy this kind of creative work. Fingers crossed my final piece looks as great as I have it pictured in my head!
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my posts each week and hopefully you’ve enjoyed reading them as much as I liked writing them!
Have a wonderful day!
Emily Kelly