Hello hello!
With just 2 classes left our magazines are kicking into full gear. During my class over the weekend we continued to work on spreads within our magazines in order to then do a critique.
Some don’t like to be part of a critique due to the fact they’d rather not hear what others think about their work. The reality of it is, even though you may like your work does not mean the client will. Going into a design based industry, or any industry for that matter, I feel it’s important to be open to any and all criticism. Not only do you benefit from listening to others points of view, but this means there’s always room for you to grow.
Pictured above is a spread I’m working on for my magazine which is certainty a work in progress. My class spent time looking over each of our spreads and had a group critique on what we could adjust or what we liked about each persons piece. Personally, I’d like to change a few things but overall the aesthetic of my magazine is coming across how I pictured it.
Your ideas are always going to be changing and evolving. For instance, the cover I originally designed in the beginning of the course still needs to be redone simply because it’s not fitting the overall theme of my magazine. I’ll be honest, this definitely can be a tedious process at times and involves lots of editing but it’s worth it.
I’m excited to see how far I can get with this magazine, fingers crossed it comes out okay!
Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful week!
-Emily Kelly