Artist Nathaniel Mary Quinn talks on his artwork and life on Tuesday, April 30th, 2019, at FIT in the Katie Murphy Amphitheatre, located in the Fred P. Pomerantz Center on the northwest corner of 27th Street and 7th Avenue. Nathaniel Mary Quinn (b. 1977) creates […]
ARTSpeak Lecturer: Ellen Altfest
On Thursday, February 21st, 2019, 6 – 7:30pm, artist Ellen Altfest speaks about her work in the Katie Murphy Amphitheatre, in the Fred P. Pomerantz (formerly D Building) of Fashion Institute of Technology, as part of the ARTSpeak 2018-2019 series, Artists and the New Muse. […]
ARTSpeak Lecturer: Wayne Koestenbaum
On Wednesday, January 30th, 2019, 5 – 6pm, critic/poet/novelist/performer/visual artist/academic Wayne Koestenbaum gives a talk on his work in The Art and Design Gallery in the Fred P. Pomerantz Art and Design Center, 227 West 27th Street. Wayne Koestenbaum is the author of 19 books, […]
ARTSpeak Visit to Sharpe Walentas Studio
On April 27th, 2017, FIT Fine Arts students visit the studios of artists Todd Bienvenu, Derek Fordjour, and Brandi Twilley all located in the Sharpe Walentas Studio Program in Brooklyn, NY.
ARTSpeak Panel: The Presence of Art History in the Artist’s Mind
ARTSpeak 2016-2017, a joint program of the Fine Arts and Art History Departments at FIT, presents a panel discussion on Wednesday, April 19th, 2017, 6:30 – 8pm, on the theme of The Presence of Art History in the Artist’s Mind. The theme explores the impact of art history on […]