Tag: John Goodwin

  • Dillon O’Keefe and his team create Witchy Business

    Magic happened when Wacom brought two teams of animation students together and gave them a week to produce 45-second animated shorts. Computer Animation student Dillon O’Keefe was on Team East. Each team collaborated only on Zoom and each team member was paid for the intensive week of work and also received a new Wacom One…

  • Two Professors Interpret Ancient Art with Modern Technology

    It was at FIT’s Center for Excellence in Teaching (CET) where a costume design professor noticed Computer Animation Professor John Goodwin at his workstation bringing the art of Greek vases to life. “The costume professor mentioned my work to Prof. Alexander Nagel from the Art History and Museum Professions department. He took a keen interest in…

  • Cool factors of BFA majors & minors

    We all live a little vicariously when we peek into a classroom where art and design creation is going on–whether it’s producing animations, illustrations, jewelry making, draping fabric, lighting a photography set or constructing a hat. All that focus and creative exploration! Every BFA Art & Design major has its allure, its cross-disciplinary components, and…

  • Like Mother Like Daughter

    Bonnie Papernik and her daughter Anissa Lorenzi have both studied 2D animation with Prof. John Goodwin. This May Papernik will graduate with her BFA in computer animation and her daughter will graduate high school. “We’ll be graduating at the same time!” says Papernik. “Anissa’s  got college on her mind and I like this college. FIT…

  • No strings holding down Goodwin’s animation students

    To make their animation projects look like miniature movies that come alive, students in Professor John Goodwin’s Computer Animation course (CG213)  flip through their sketch books as the process is filmed. They then choose a page to animate in After Effects, which is then returned back into the book.  The challenge is often not the technology,…