Category: Photography Club

  • Fine arts photographer crosses over, fashionably

    Jordan Tiberio faces a type of conundrum not unfamiliar to students who fully explore their craft: “I won a fashion shooting contest, but I’m a fine arts photographer,” says the recent winner of the Western Digital (WD) Fashion Walk. “I’m used to taking things from memories and my past and recreating them in an artistic manner.…

  • The soul of the self-portrait

    From September 13 to November 11 photographic self-portraits will be on exhibit in the Fred P. Pomerantz Art and Design Center  (D lobby), located on the corner of 7th Avenue and 27th St. They are the works of members of the Photography Club. “For the past 18 years I have been a d.j. Whenever I’ve…

  • large format, large ambition

    “It’s slowing her down–she’s running back and forth re-composing, changing little things–She’s constructing her image,” said Curtis Willocks of Justyna Fijalska’s experience with the large format view camera with a Polaroid back. The photography club met this weekend to explore the capabilities of  the 8×10 camera. “I remember mentioning to a class ‘8×10 photography’ and 80 percent of the class…