Author: Rachel Ellner

  • From Client to Designer to Laser, A Quick Wash, and Custom Clothing Appears

    High quality custom clothing may cost consumers more initially, but it stays in style far longer – maybe forever. With today’s computer and laser technology, even sophisticated and unusual designs move quickly from the minds of customers and designers to finished, long-lasting products. “Sustainability isn’t just one thing. It’s a change in your mindset to…

  • Conceptual Display Advertises a Conceptual Exhibit

    How does a team of four Spatial Experience Design students create a window display inspired by an artist whose work is elaborate, unfamiliar, and otherworldly? With imagination, skill, and in this unusual case, guidance from the artist himself. The assignment for the students’ Product Presentation class required the design and construction of a large-scale display that…

  • Variety in Designs and Materials Mark the Work of This Year’s Jewelry Design Grads

    Variety in Designs and Materials Mark the Work of This Year’s Jewelry Design Grads

    From a class that began during COVID lockdown with 18 students, eight are graduating this week, making it through the Jewelry Design program with “perseverance, dedication and a whole lot of talent,” says Prof. Michael Coan. The students will be entering a new world, with greater demands for more “personalized” jewelry, says Prof. Coan. That’s…

  • Zion Ozeri’s photos capture Jewish diversity 3,000 years post exodus

    Americans, and even American Jews, are used to thinking of Jewish families as well-educated strivers living a comfortable life in a major city. But for many if not most Jewish communities around the globe, the look is different even if the strivings are what we would expect. Photographer Zion Ozeri, Photography ‘78, knows that better…

  • From Paperboard to Eye-Stopping Project: Packaging Design Students Top the Competition

    A team of three Packaging Design BFA students has won first place in the Paperboard Packaging Alliance Student Design Challenge for 2021. Competing against more than 40 other teams from 10 schools, FIT teams also took one of two honorable mentions and one of four “shout outs” for semester-long class projects that required creativity, teamwork,…