Having a good professor can make or break a class. There are certainly a range here at FIT, as anywhere else. I have found most of my professors as extremely helpful, knowledgeable, and interesting. I will admit to checking sites like ratemyprofessor.com as soon as teachers were announced, and I’m sure you will too. However, …
Tag Archives: teachers
Notes From the 6 Train: Rockin’ Out With Recommendations
So, It’s that time of the year. Recommendation time that is. (yay) I am always applying for a bunch of stuff. And am always in need of good recommendations. Here’s a few tips I’ve picked up along the way: Like Brendan mentioned in his last post, begin building relationships with your teachers. This also means …
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Notes From The 6 Train: Connecting with Your Teachers
This past week I got to spend time with two of my old teachers. (Yay!) They were visiting from Atlanta to participate in the Bell Hook’s Scholar- In- Residence activities. Bell Hooks is an important figure in the feminist world. She’s written a number of consciousness shifting books after the intersection of blackness & feminism …
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