We interrupt this program…

The PERS service desk, newly painted and placed on 4!

Hi, everyone!

Big things are happening here at the FIT library this summer. The Periodicals and Electronic Resources department is moving from the sixth floor to the fourth floor, and a lot of our faculty/staff are also shifting office spaces as well.

Lookbooks packed and waiting to move, late June



I have spent a lot more of my time packing up magazines and a lot less writing about them. Sorry about that! But I promise that come mid-August, as the dust settles, “Mags of the Week” and other articles will resume. I may even be able to squeeze one out next week, so watch this space.

The loose issues are packed in file holders, awaiting the movers.











But just to show you what’s happening at the moment… Here we have lots of pieces getting prepped, waiting for the library movers to begin their work. They began moving things the week of July 10.



We’re working hard to make sure that everything is shiny and organized so we can welcome back our students the week of August 21st!

The open stacks in their new home on 4


