Industry Product Development Projects

NY Now!

Our HP 314/Manufacturing & Marketing of Home Product Hard Lines’ (“Hard Home”) second class of the second semester has already included an interesting field trip, to NY Now. Instead of meeting in room 307 as we usually do, we met in the enormous Javits Center, and were advised in advance to wear comfortable shoes and […]


Fall Trends = Home Inspiration

Fall has arrived and its fashion trends dominate the windows of the major NYC retailers.  I love walking this city during this time of year; the air is crisp and the windows filled with inspiration. “Boho Luxe” is the dominate theme in the windows of the 5th Ave Lord and Taylor. Lush fabrics, soft neutral tones, […]

Department Product Development

Seventeenth-Century, Small Space Design

This week the America at Home students toured the American Wing Galleries at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in preparation of researching 20th century interiors and decoration. Absolutely one of my favorite class trips. Each time, this week concludes my 8th, I discover something new. My all time favorite is a piece of furniture in […]