In The Moment

Sometimes I think part of the reason I got into photography is I not only to look back on memories but I like looking back and seeing them at their best. I can never fully pinpoint why I got into it but one thing that sticks out in particular was from one of my first shoots. I 005 (5)11))was in my backyard with my friend Allie and I took a picture of her at random and when I uploaded it I had a moment of realization. The shot wasn’t anything special but it looked nice and that’s when I realized using this camera to make my surroundings look nice from a new eye was so much more exhilarating than I imagined. From there it was constantly evolving. I started taking my shoots out to new places and utilized them to meet new people. My camera went from a little metal box that I had no idea how to use to a social/art utility. To this day my love for photography is growing and I am always open to new styles, I would love to keep up with my all my readers work. If you ever want to see my work ( I most definitely want to see yours) just reach out to me on Instagram at @walter_sincox and we could talk more personally.



