At FIT We Always Kiss and Tell!

About to apply my new favorite delicious plum lipstick!
About to apply my new favorite delicious plum lipstick!

Do you love experimenting with lipstick colors? I do! One day I’m wearing “Gwen Stefani red” and the next I’m applying “Kim Kardashian nude”. Usually I buy a new lip color weekly but not anymore because… now I can make my very own!

This week in the Cosmetics and Fragrance lab we created our own lipstick by melting 28 ml of wax on a hot plate and mixed in 0.1 ml of our favorite dye color as well as 0.1 ml of our favorite flavoring. My partner and I decided to do a chocolate-cherry plum lipstick using purple dye and cherry and chocolate chip flavoring. When finished and mixed to a nice, smooth substance; we poured our mixes into actual lipstick tubes. It came out absolutely AMAZING! It has a beautiful sheer color that matches any look.

What cool things have you created in your precollege class this summer that you’re proud to show off? Share below!

– Sealed with a kiss, Rachel