FIT’s Impact On Me and My Art Abilities

Since taking courses in FIT’s Precollege Programs, so many things have improved in my art skills! How you may ask? Well, before the program, I couldn’t grasp drawing things from life. It was always pretty difficult for me. I would usually  create cartoons or semi-realistic drawings. But now, since taking this course, I developed an eye for detail. – for shadowing, shapes, texture, and so much more! Also, I have learned to use different techniques to create my drawings. I’ve learned to be more comfortable with drawing things from life and I believe it will only get better!

This is our model, Cat! This was a very quick drawing using pen and ink.

Although I have developed a lot from the program, I still believe I have a lot to work on, which is good. I hope to improve myself more so that I can be ready for anything FIT has to throw at me! My goals for the rest of the semester are to continue to learn and to take in as much knowledge as I possibly can so I can put my new skills it into action in the near future.






2 responses to “FIT’s Impact On Me and My Art Abilities”

  1. art courses online Avatar

    I struggle with the same thing. I am really good at still life or copying an existing picture but when it comes to drawing real life I really struggle.

  2. Jharline Avatar

    It’s all about practicing. You can definitely get better if you take time out of your day to draw something from real life! Practice does make perfect.