Undecided College Goals… I Still Have Time

I havent prepared a portfolio yet since I’m only a sophomore. I know it takes plenty of hard work though. I hear about all the seniors stressing out trying to prepare them in time and I understand that they are very time consuming. You need to put your absolute best into every piece of work in your portfolio. It needs to be perfect, especially if it’s your dream to get in to FIT. FIT is a really good school and talent isn’t enough; you need to show that this is what you want most and you have to be prepared to go through sleepless nights if that’s what it takes.

I, personally, am not sure of what I want to do. I really love designing and drawing. It is so much fun and I really have a passion for it but I would also like to do something to help people, like being a nurse. Because I am a sophomore, I  still have some time to figure it all out . There are millions of different career paths I could take and I’d like to explore them all.

So far the only colleges I’ve put any thought into were FIT and Miami State. I really want to study far from home but fashion has now became something I really would like to pursue so NYC is in the running.

I don’t know were I’ll be 10 years from now or even 5 years from now and I love that. I like that I still have the power to make  my life whatever I want it to be. And when the day comes that I have to choose, I’m sure I’ll make the right decisions. So for now I’ll just work on keeping my grades up and doing lots of extra curricular activities so I can get into wherever I end up trying to get into. (:



