School of Graduate Studies

Chroma Makes More News!!!

Just on the heels of our great news from yesterday, comes another great MFA Illustration and Chroma story! Miki Golod work is on Words Without Borders website, where his autobiographical graphic novel is featured- AND- breaking news! Miki is going to be a speaker at the NY Comics Symposium. WOW! Come hear Miki on August 11. Their site will be updated with […]

School of Graduate Studies

And More…

The payback from Chroma, our MFA in Illustration Visual Thesis Show, ’14.  just keeps on growing… Jennifer Merz was signed on for a multiple book contract by a literary agent who saw and loved Jenn’s Sew Strong book- the story of the Triangle Factory Fire. Thanks to Professor Carmile Zaino who introduced the two through her class. Congratulations, and […]

School of Graduate Studies

New student Cristy Road is way busy beyond school!

Our new year is underway, and work begins again. For Cristy Road, first year MFA student, it seems as if she does not stop! Check out what Cristy is doing beyond her new classes~ ON DISPLAY NOW* Y QUE? EXHIBITIONJune 13 – Sept. 8, 2014 @Mexic-Arte Museum, 419 Congress Ave, Austin, TX The Young Latino […]

School of Graduate Studies

School is not holding her back: Workshop with Maria Carluccio MFA’16

We do not know how she does it, but here is Maria, freelancing, writing her thesis, attending classes, school work, personal life AND, check this out- delivering a workshop! This will be a real treat- we are so happy to others know you and recognize what we know about you, Maria! Good luck!!! Children’s Book […]

School of Graduate Studies

The Majesty of Animals: Faculty Martin Wittfooth Interview

Martin Wittfooth will not be teaching until the Spring semester, but there is much to learn from him in this interview on, highlighting his evocative, surrealistic, masterful paintings.