Why FIT?

With finals and stress, you often think “why do I do this to myself,” or “why did I pick this school.”  The anxiety of finals can put a lot of strain on our minds and thoughts and it’s very easy to give up.  That is why I’m taking the time to reflect on why I chose FIT in the first place.

  • It is one of the most prestigious schools in the world
  • The professors at FIT have to work in the industry before teaching, therefore having real world experiences and connections to help students like you
  • The campus takes up a single block and doesn’t require travel time to get from class to class or building to building
  • There are high expectations of the school and the students that graduate
  • FIT is located in the greatest city in the world that is filled with endless opportunities
  • FIT is more affordable than any of the competitor schools located in New York City
  • FIT’s class sizes are small and can provide me with one on one attention from my professors
  • FIT will provide me with an education to succeed

Why did you pick FIT?
