Notes From the 6 Train: New Moon Magic

Tomorrow marks a new moon. For those into astrology, you know that a new moon marks the time for new energies, ideas and concepts to come into fruition. Tomorrow is also the beginning of the Chinese New Years (yay, it’s in sheep/ram, shoutout to all the Aries such as I.)

Even if you aren’t a believer in astrology, this time marks the perfect time to check the year’s progress. I know many folks made resolutions at the beginning of the year and now that we’re a month and a half, it’s a good time to take stock of what you/ haven’t and realign your goals.

Go rams!
Go rams!

So far, with my new schedule changes, I’ve realized that I have to make a few lifestyle changes to make. I must focus more from Monday-Wednesday to complete all of my work because by Thursday night (my twelve hour day) I am exhausted. And during my weekend, I don’t want to work at it.

I am also reviewing my five year plan I created. (I have a lot of older friends who do grown up things such as this, and I thought it was a good idea.) A five year plan is exactly what it sounds like, a plan or list of goals for the next five years, the sections of the plan can be divided however you like, by career, family and social goals, etc., essentially whatever you value. I also like to break my plan into separate years, six months and even three months. I then review it and color code by things I’ve accomplished, things I’m working on and things that I’m no longer interested in.

Five Year plans are great because you can keep the various drafts of them to see your progress. they can also show what was important to you and how you and your goals have evolved over time. So, what about you? Any new (or refreshing of goals) during the start of Chinese New Year or for the New Moon? If so, we want to hear about it!

All things Color, Love, & Fashion,
Ayanna L.